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Stronger With Games

The cultural power of gaming

Gamescamp Süderlügum

Fall 2020

Baue ein Escape-Room

Fall 2020

Die Minecraftler

Fall 2020

© Stiftung Digitale Spielekultur

For different gaming-related workshops funded by a larger programme aimed at culturally empowering kids and teens, posters communicate the intiative’s offer to a younger audience.


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About the programme

The initiative “Stronger with Games” is part of a larger cultural funding programme helmed by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research. This programme seeks to offer better opportunities to youths who grow up disadvantaged due to a socially challenging environment.

About the project

The Foundation Digital Gaming Culture teams up with local youth centers or other educational institutions to organize culturally empowering games-based cultural workshops for young people. They range from game-making barcamps to cosplay workshops.